Ching Kei and Sophia, students from Form 6 Delonix and F6 Bauhinia, delivered a passionate speech during the flag-raising ceremony on 22 August 2024. They discussed the 2024 Paris Olympics, highlighting the event's celebration of unity, athleticism, and global friendship.
Written by Sophia Woodbury (Form 6) & Chow Ching Kei (Form 6)
Ching Kei: Good morning everyone, we are ChingKei and Sophia from Form 6 Delonix and Bauhinia.
Sophia: On behalf of the student council, we are here to talk about an event that captures the world's attention - the 2024 Paris Olympics. This international sporting event celebrates unity, athleticism, and global friendship.
Ching Kei: 無錯,奧運會匯集了來自世界各地的運動員,所有運動員都展示他們的過人的才華同埋堅毅不屈嘅精神,發揮出體育精神。奧運亦都係各國展現自己文化和實力的舞台,增進不同文化之間的交流與融合。
Sophia: Let's shift the focus to the Hong Kong China and China teams in the recent Olympics. What were you most impressed with?
Ching Kei:就算我地港隊嘅人數比起其他國家小,但係我地依然係世界嘅舞台上佔一席之地,突破左香港歷屆的獎牌紀錄,尤其是劍擊及游泳方面更為出色!令人印象深刻。
Sophia: I agree, it was such a wonderful feeling to see Hong Kong's athletes represent our city with such passion and determination. How do you think this reflects the sports culture of Hong Kong?
Ching Kei: 呢種熱情和奮鬥精神展現了香港人對運動的熱愛和對個人成長的追求。這種文化令到香港運動員在國際賽事中表現出色,同時激勵了更多年輕人參與運動,提升了整個社會對運動的重視程度。
Sophia: Yes, I remember seeing thousands of people gathered in malls to support our Olympic medalists, fencer Cheung Ka Long, fencer Vivian Kong and swimmer Siobhan Haughey, as well as our table-tennis semi finalists, Doo Hoi Kem and Wong Chun-ting. Not to mention China’s amazing finish in first place with 40 golds and 91 total medals!
Ching Kei: 我對中國隊嘅表現都感到印象深刻,佢哋在每個項目都表現出色!呢係一個好好嘅機會去表現我哋對運動嘅共同熱愛。不論你係誰或者你來自邊度,每個人都團結一致支持運動員。你對呢次體育盛事有咩感想?
Sophia: I think everyone involved in the Olympics worked very hard to make this a memorable event, not just athletes, but coaches, officials, administrators and of course the support of the people. Even though there are many issues going on around the world, it showed me that international unity and respect is possible, if we all put our differences aside.
Ching Kei: 無錯,奧運會帶出了公平競爭、追求卓越和尊重競爭對手嘅精神,體現了運動的本質,強調運動員唔應該淨係追求勝利,更加應該注重過程中的道德和精神價值。就好似運動員一樣,我們每個人都面臨著困難同埋挑戰,但就係呢d困難令到我地變得更堅強、更有毅力。奧運精神提醒著我們,成功不僅取決於結果,更取決於我們在達成目標的過程中所表現出的品格和精神。
Sophia: That’s all from us, we hope you all get a step closer towards your goals today. Have a great Thursday everyone, thank you!