To celebrate Earth Day, the CSS Ocean 3C Alliance formed partnerships with both the HK Shark Foundation (HKSF) and Althea, our Student Union, to raise awareness and support for the Earth’s greatest provider, the Oceans! Students organised a ‘Dress Blue’ day to raise awareness about sustainability and to raise funds for HKSF. They tackle the shark fin trade and educate people about ocean conservation. We were able to raise an impressive $9,841 for HKSF which was double the target set by Ocean 3C meaning Mr. Stevenson was lucky enough to spend a day dressed as a shark on campus. The founder of HKSF Ms. Andrea Richey sent a personal message of thanks and will be coming to CSS in June to conduct a talk with students. She will discuss how to support Shark conservation in Hong Kong.
為了慶祝地球日, 啓思中學海洋3C聯盟與香港護鯊會(HKSF)和我們的學生會Althea建立合作夥伴關係,以提高人們對地球上最偉大的提供者──海洋的認識和支持。學生們組織了一個 「藍衫日」,以提高對可持續發展的認識,並為香港護鯊會籌集資金。他們解決魚翅交易問題,並教育人們保護海洋。我們為HKSF籌集了令人印象深刻的9841元,是Ocean 3C設定的目標的兩倍,這意味著Mr. Stevenson有幸在校園裡扮成鯊魚一整天。 HKSF的創始人Andrea Richey女士親自發來個人感謝信息,並將於6月份親臨啓思中學,與學生進行座談。她將討論如何支持香港鯊魚保育工作。