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Fee Remission & Scholarship Schemes

As a Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) School and in line with the Education Bureau (EDB) requirements, part of the revenue of Creative Secondary School will be set aside to provide assistance, in the form of fee remission to students in financial need, and to provide different types of scholarships to encourage and reward students with outstanding performances in varied fields.

The school operates two schemes:

  1. fee-remission scheme to support students in need. The assessment criteria is related to the family’s disposable income.

  2. scholarship scheme to motivate outstanding students. The assessment criteria is related to the student’s achievements.

Eligibility to apply

  1. Students who have applied and offered to study at Creative Secondary School.

  2. Students who are enrolled at Creative Secondary School.  



A student may apply to either one or both schemes. Each scheme is assessed independently according to separate criteria.

In addition to the fee remission support, students from financially needy families are also eligible for additional financial assistance.




  1. 學費減免計劃:以支援經濟上有需要的學生,此計劃是以學生家庭可供支配入息作評估準則。

  2. 獎學金計劃:以激勵優秀學生,此計劃是以學生成就作評估準則。


  1. 已被啓思中學取錄的學生。

  2. 現已就讀啓思中學的學生。






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