Primary 6 students from Creative Primary School visited the CSS campus in Tseung Kwan O on 28 September 2021. Our principal and teachers were thrilled to give a brief introduction to the school.
CSS hosted CPS students and teachers in the newly developed STEAM Suite located on the Ground Floor of Block C. CPS students were then led by our CSS student ambassadors to visit different unique rooms and classrooms and get the feeling of being secondary school students for half a day.
After visiting CSS, Soyi from P6A2 recognised that CSS was her dream school. She liked the international environment and atmosphere of CSS. P6A2 Chloe Tsang’s mother has already submitted an admission application for her. Chloe said that her mother had been visiting the secondary school website and found CSS was very suitable for her.
Jessica Chan Hoi Ching F1BA graduated from CPS last year. She was delighted to see CPS students join her class. She hopes they will enjoy the learning environment here. F1BA Christine Lee likes the wide learning diversity at CSS, where students have many opportunities to interact and communicate with teachers and peers in the classroom, which makes learning more effective. She encourages other primary pupils to study at CSS.
當日, 啓思中學特別安排位於C座教學樓地下的STEAM室,招待小學部的校長和師生。這個「演員休息準備室」(Green Room)剛裝修竣工,是個讓師生製作高質素影片的地方。當中學校長和老師簡單介紹學校後,中學的學生大使就帶領小學的同學,分組前往不同的課室參觀。接著,每個六年級學生都當了半堂的中學生,與中學同學一起在課室上課,體驗啓思中學的教學方式。
中一級紫荊社陳凱晴同學來自啓思小學,她很開心能在課堂上與來自母校的師弟妹一起學習,希望他們會喜歡這裡的學習環境。 而中一級紫荊社李詠琳同學則來自本地傳統的小學,她喜歡啓思中學的多元化學習,學生在課堂上有很多機會互動,與老師和同學有不少交流和溝通,令學習更有成效,所以她很鼓勵其他小學畢業生入讀啓思中學。