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IBMYP Form 3 Graduation Ceremony IBMYP 中三畢業典禮

Our IBMYP Form 3 students happily attended their F3 Graduation Ceremony on 24 June 2021.

During their Personal Growth Program lesson, all of our Form 3 students attended a ceremony in the School Hall to celebrate their achievements in Junior School. They also took pictures together to celebrate this happy moment. CSS has prepared each of them a cup of ice-cream as a special treat. Our students now join a global family of IBMYP Diploma Recipients and received a medal to commemorate this memorable landmark in their lives.


在個人成長課程課上,我們所有的中三學生都出席了在學校禮堂舉行的儀式,慶祝他們在初中的成就。他們還一起合影留念,慶祝這個快樂時刻。 啓思中學為他們每人準備了一杯雪糕作為特別款待。我們的學生現在加入了獲頒IBMYP文憑的全球大家庭,並獲得了一枚獎章,以紀念他們生命中這個難忘的里程碑。

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