Preparatory Committee
Wanita Mou, Consultant
"I have been working in CSS since the founding year 2006. I am happy that I have supported the CSSPTA Provisional Committee in 2007. I am very happy that I would see the CSSAA Preparatory Committee set up in 2017. The first cohort of graduates was in 2012, and there have been six cohorts up to now. It's so brilliant to see alumni studying or working all over the world. I am proud of our achievements. Some of them come back to school to support the school's development and caring for their house sisters & brothers. I hope that the CSSAA Preparatory Committee will run smoothly. Wish all the best for the CSSAA in the coming years"
Wanita is the founding Vice Principal of CSS. She is an experienced educator and was previously the Vice Principal of Creative Primary School.
Cassy Yu, Teacher Liaison
"It is my pleasure to be working with the group of dedicated Alumni to be forming and preparing for the establishment of the Alumni Association this year. Having worked with the committee members for so many years, this team has worked fantastically in the recent months in Setting up and meeting to discuss how we can successfully establish the CSS Alumni Association. It is hoped that we can continue to strengthen the connections between alumni and with the school. I would like to support the association through various events and activities in the years to Come!"
Cassy is a founding member of the CSS teaching staff and is currently the Director of School Operations and Head of Technology Faculty.
Janet Ng, Administrative Support
"It is my pleasure to be a member of the CSSAA Preparatory Committee. Having worked at CSS for more than four years, I have met many graduates of CSS and have always been pleased to see them returning to CSS on various occasions. With my understanding And working experience in the School Operations Team, I am confident that I can play a key role in providing efficient administrative support to our Alumni Association. I hope to see the success of the Alumni Association of which can connect the alumni with the school in the Future."
Janet joined our school in 2013 in the ICT Team as the User Support Officer. She is now currently the school's Operations Officer in the Operations Team.
Teresa Choi, Chairperson
"I am very honoured to be the Chairperson of the CSSAA Preparatory Committee. Looking back to 2007 when I first joined CSS, I was still an innocent teenager with a lot of curiosity. Through all the years of studying at CSS, I have developed useful I am very glad that I have made lifelong friends and have a strong bonding with the school. After 10 years, I am an independent person who decides to be part of the Alumni Association, establishing a platform I maintain graduates would like to share their school experiences and get to know more about CSS in the future."
Teresa studied at CSS between 2007-2012 and was the 1st Vice Chairperson of the Student Council, T6 (2010-2011), and the Vice Captain for Cassia. She went on study at the Auckland University of Technology, and currently working as an Occupational Therapist.
Tommy Cheung, Vice Chairperson
"It was rather unbelievable that it has been 10 years since I first set my footstep past the school gate as one of the students of CSS. The school had not only enriched me with academic knowledge, but also equipped me with skills needed to interact with Others and to solve difficulties in days head, something that I only realised upon moving on from CSS and ad the chance to look back. After all that the school and the house of Delonix had given me in my 6 years of CSS life, it is Istimate for me to take part in the CSSAA Preparatory Committee as I could now serve the CSS family again with a brand new identity. I hope this could be an opportunity to facilitate all the old boys and old girls to contribute and pay back to our school , and to build up stronger bonding between us, as alumni, and our juniors in the CSS family."
Tommy studied at CSS between 2007-2013, and was a member of Delonix. He is now step his tertiary education at the University of Hong Kong.
Horatius Choy, Vice Chairperson
"Being one of the first cohorts of CSS graduates, I am grateful for the valuable experience in the setup of the CSSAA. Although I have graduated 5 years ago, the friendship among my fellow schoolmates remain unchanged. We are supportive to each other in the Next page of our contribution to the society through various careers. I am looking forward to the reunion with graduates of all graduates of all cohorts in the upcoming CSSAA events."
Horatius studied at CSS between 2006-2012, and was a member of Cassia as well as the Treasure of the 1st Student Union, T6 (2010-2011). He went to study at University of Kent, and currently working as a Court Liaison Officer.
Leonie Chan, Secretary
"Looking back to my school life at CSS, there were lots of unforgettable memories. Not only achieving my academic, but also learned to be a better person. Even through I have graduated for almost 3 years, those knowledge and experience that I gained have Never faded out I can say CSS is one of the important milestones of my life. As one of the graduates of CSS, I am very glad to be one of the CSSAA Preparatory Committee members of the Alumni Association. I wish this platform could connect more CSS graduates together and spread out the happiness within the CSS family."
Leonie studied at CSS between 2009-2014, and was a member of Bombax, as well as the Secretary of the Student Union, Voltric (2012-2013). She is now member her tertiary education in Early Childhood Education at The Education University of Hong Kong.
Cecilia Kwok, Treasurer
"Looking back at my six years of school life at CSS, I am more than grateful for having the opportunity to grow up in this big family. This is the place where I have met my lifelong friends and mentors, and where I was encouraged to Thrits and to explore the world. My values that were nurtured here have shaped who I am now, and I believe they shall continue guiding me to become a brighter self. It is my greatest honour to have the chance to contribute back to my alma mater As a member of the Preparatory Committee of CSSAA. We seek to create a platform to strengthen our CSS community and the connections between the alumni. Stay tuned for the upcoming events and I look forward to seeing you all."
Cecilia studied at CSS between 2007-2013, and was a member of Delonix. She went on study at University of Exeter, and currently working as a Fund Administrator.
Ivy Chan, Communication Officer
"Time flies. It has been five years since I graduated from CSS, yet it feels like yesterday I had just finished painting the walls outside the 6th floor art room. I am very grateful for the nourishment CSS has provided me over these years, encouraging Our fellow students to strive for academic excellence, allowing us the freedom and space to think, play, create, and learn. I am particularly excited to return to CSS to work as the Visual Art Technician, and have this privilege to take part in the Setup of CSSAA. It is a great honour for us as graduates to contribute to our alma mater and continue to inspire younger student just as CSS has inspired us."
Ivy studied at CSS between 2006-2012, and was the House Captain for Bombax. She went on study at the University of the Arts London, and now working as a Visual Art Technician, and practicing as a freelance Fine Artist.