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School Introduction Videos

教養女王 X 「啓思之旅」專訪系列|由啓思學生帶領你參觀啓思校園!

Creative Secondary School Highlights 啓思中學概覽

HK01 Video Interview Creative Secondary School 

HK01 親子訪問啓思中學

Introducing Creative Secondary School 啓思中學簡介
Preparing for the challenges of our rapidly changing world

CSS Alumni Sharing 啓思校友分享

Exploring Beyond 探索 · 超越

School life at CSS - An introduction to our happy and vibrant school life


Respecting Individuality 尊重個人特質

Finding out how students adapt to our welcoming and caring school

CLACH Programme 中語藝文史計劃

Breakthrough to Success 突破與成果

Preparing senior students for their diploma options, tertiary education and future careers 為高中學生應考文憑課程,提供大學教育及職業輔導

Three Schools · One Philosophy · One Continuum 

啓思三校 · 同一理念 · 同一承傳

STEAM Programme STEAM 計劃

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