We are proud to present the speech delivered by Form 6 student Kimiko Gabutina during the graduation ceremony in 2023/24. In her heartfelt address, Kimiko reflects on personal growth, the importance of choices, and the inspiration drawn from teachers, friends, and family. Her words encourage fellow graduates to embrace their journeys with courage and integrity.
Written by Kimiko Gabutina (Form 6)
Good afternoon teachers, family, friends, distinguished guests, and fellow graduates.
Last year, I was a student helper in the graduation ceremony for the class of 2023. I remember being so excited as I walked to that rolled-up diploma from behind the curtain to Ms Lancy Tam on the front stage, because I was able to see a glimpse of what was to come for me in just one short year. I really relished my time in that appropriated limelight for a split second when I stood on that taped-off cross right over there. And now, a year later here I stand, about 10 steps to the right of it. Oh how far I’ve come! Actually, the longer I stand here in front of all my classmates, teachers, family, and distinguished guests, the more I would rather have the option to hide behind a curtain. But unfortunately in life, there will be no big "security curtain" which I can run to and will provide me with comfort and certainty that I will succeed. Most of the time, you just have to -- as Peter B. Parker would say in Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse -- take a leap of faith. So here goes nothing…
Everyday, we are faced with a plethora of choices, and all the choices we make today will shape the person we will be tomorrow. As humans, we are predisposed to imperfection. There will be times when we won't make the best choices. Sometimes our bad choices will hurt ourselves. In worse cases, our bad choices end up hurting the others. But the worst thing you can do is have the mindset that you are incapable of being better. "I can't change, so I won't even try." While we shouldn't dwell on the past, that doesn't mean we should disregard it. By refusing to learn from our mistakes, we are actively choosing to repeat them. So if we are an amalgamation of every choice we've ever made, let us strive to always choose what is right above all else.
Our lives are not defined by a list of accolades or titles. We are more than other people’s expectations or a predetermined "potential". We are every failure we've learned from, every challenge we've overcome, every little victory we've celebrated. We care how we show to those around us and to our legacies who will live on through the lives that we've impacted.
When I was younger, I aspired to be like my favourite characters on TV. I wanted to go on their misadventures, to have their extravagant closets, and rest well knowing that all my problems would vanish by the end of the episode. But as I grew up I learned a few things:
that walk-in closets in Hong Kong were far and few between;
conflicts will not, in fact, resolve themselves overnight, and;
that inspiring people existed beyond the confines of my 4-by-3 TV screen.
It was then when I realised I have been surrounded by inspiring people my whole life:
Our teachers, who answered our questions only to further fuel our curiosity, who believed in us even when we didn't believe in ourselves. My best friends, who I will begrudgingly admit are so much funnier than me. My parents, who showed me first, what it was like to love, unconditionally. And the class of 2024, for all you have brought to CSS, your passions, your skills, your creativity…
For all that and so much more, thank you for inspiring me everyday.
Years ago, we walked into this hall for the first time on orientation, unaware of what was to come but eager to begin a new journey. Today we walk out of this hall for the last time, once again unknowing of what this next chapter holds. Our life's trajectory is not guaranteed to be linear, but every moment of every day is yours to seize. So do what you love in the moments you can, challenge yourself even if it terrifies you, and know that our capacity for growth is as limitless as our capacity for compassion. Remember that there is enough room for all of us to flourish, and the one life we all must strive for is the one of integrity.
Thank you everyone. I wish you all the best.