Morgan Powell (F3 Ju) has been awarded the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Grantham Outstanding Student-Athlete Award for 2017-2018.
Morgan is the second student of Creative Secondary School to receive this prestigious sporting accolade after Nicole Shi’s nomination in 2014-15. The Ten Sport Excellence Award includes a $5000 scholarship offered by the Grantham Fund to reward athletes who have performed outstandingly in competitions organized by the HKSSF and who strive for excellence and lead as role models. Morgan was nominated for this award by his physical education teacher Mr. Jimmy Cheng.
Morgan is unique in that he excels in both team and individual sports. He has been a key member of the CSS B Grade Football and Rugby Seven’s squads as well as achieving success in Cross Country and on the athletics track. He emerged as a top footballer in his age group when he was selected to represent Hong Kong in Football at U15 level for the first time this year.
I asked Morgan a few questions about his incredible year:
Q: What has been the key to your success as an athlete across multiple sporting codes this year?
A: I consider myself a dedicated and committed athlete who is always looking for ways to improve my standards. I take my training very seriously and always apply myself during competitions. I self analyse my performances in training and in competition and discuss with my coaches ways that I can improve.
Q: What are your sporting goals for the next year and beyond?
A: I hope to regain my cross country, 800m and 1500m championships as well as continuing to cement my starting position in the Hong Kong Representative Football Team.
Q: How do you intend to get to the next level in your sporting pursuits?
A: Hard work.
Q: What was the highlight of your year in sports?
A: Walking out onto the pitch for my Hong Kong National Football Team debut versus Singapore.
Morgan’s sporting achievements this year:
Athletics -
Creative Secondary School Athletic Sports Day. B Grade 1500m 1st place (school record)
HKSSF Interschool Athletics Div 3 A2. B Grade Boys 800m 4th place
Cross Country -
HKSSF Interschool Div 3 A2. Boys B Grade 12th/123
Rugby Sevens -
Hong Kong/Kowloon. Creative B Grade Boys - Champion
All Hong Kong. Creative B Grade Boys – Champion
Football -
HKSSF Div 3 A2. Creative B Grade Boys– 2nd Place
HKJC Youth Football League. Hong Kong Football Club u15 - Champions
Borneo Football Cup. HKJFL Select Team Under 15 – Runners Up
Singapore JSSL Soccer 7’s Tournament. HKJFL Select Team Under 15 – Quarter finalists
HKJC Youth Invitational International Tournament. Hong Kong National U15 – Runners-up
David Barnaby
中三藍楹社Morgan Powell 榮獲香港學界體育聯會2017-2018葛量洪學界傑出運動員奬。他在欖球、足球、越野賽和田徑運動方面的表現突出,更於今年首次入選香港15歲以下足球隊 ,是其年齡組別中的頂尖足球運動員,使他嬴得十優運動員的美譽。