On 25 May 2019, Mahina Wong (F3 Ju) and Felicia Yap (F4 De) received prizes for “GrandChampions” - an Elder Appreciation Photography Competition organized by Mighty Oaks Foundation.
Also at the prize ceremony was Mr Victor Fong, Supervisor of Creative Secondary School.
Mahina received the second runner-up while Felicia got the merit in the student category of the photo competition.

Mahina’s picture “Love breaks the obstacles” is a portrait of herself and her grandmother joining hands to form a love sign. Her statement for the picture is “Suffering is felt through many different generations, but the strength of love is prevalent among every single one, from the first to last.”

Felicia’s picture photo “在患難中的喜樂” is a portrait of her grandfather. She told in the statement for the picture that her grandpa hurt himself in his forehead and it was very painful and full of blood. “But still, he smiled through it, laughed about it and even comforted us that he’s fine! I think we should all learn from his altitude, which is smile through difficult times and be brave’’.